We hope that one day our work in Guatemala will be done! But for now, we can’t continue without your help! Any donation is welcome and will go directly to our programs.
For US sponsors: Please note our corresponding organization in the United States — GUATEMALA UNITED FOR ANIMALS, INC. — is a registered non-profit corporation in Wisconsin with IRS approved 501(c)(3) status.
Your donation is tax-deductible donation in the US.
There are various ways to donate:
Via Credit/Debit Card or Paypal
Via Zelle
Scan the QR code with your banking app or follow this link to Zelle to donate directly to Unidos.

By Mail
In the US
Kindly make your check out to: GUATEMALA UNITED FOR ANIMALS
Mail it to: 6811 10th Ave N, St Petersburg, FL 33710
Please note your address so we can send you a (US) tax deductible receipt.
In Guatemala
Cuenta # 30 40 11 29 89 (BAM, monetaria) en nombre de Unidos para los Animales.
También recibimos donaciones de concentrado, camas, toallas, mantas, collares y correas, mayordomo, cloro, jeringas, desparasitante para gatos, perros, cachorros, tratamiento antiparasitico y antipulgar para nuestras jornadas y/o organizaciones afiliadas.
In Europe
In Holland, Foundation WOOF supports our programs. Please mention that your donation (in Euros) is meant for Unidos para los Animales and we will receive the full amount.
NL85 ABNA 0839942885 / Stichting WOOF – Guatemala
Employee Matching Gifts
Many companies, big, small, and everything in between, match their employee charitable gifts. If your employer matches employee gifts, whatever you give to Unidos can be doubled. Some companies also give grants for employee volunteer efforts. If you have the opportunity to support Unidos in this way, the Tax ID number for our US organization, Guatemala United for Animals, Inc. is 45-4512439.
On behalf of Unidos para los Animales and all of the animals we support, thank you very much