TodayOn January 22, 2019 crossed the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon after a morning of sunshine and chicharrones, chicken, and delicious chews and pets, surrounded by people who loved him deeply.
He was probably 14 years old, which is a long life for a dog, and especially one who weighed 102 pounds. Although he lived a long life, it was not long enough. It is never long enough.
Chico’s hind legs have been failing him for a couple of years, and our vets told us that one day he would be unable to stand or walk on his own, even with the medications we gave him. We have watched him carefully and monitored the loss of strength. We knew that the day was coming, but never stopped hoping it was still a long way off.
That long-dreaded day arrived yesterday.
Chico could no longer get up or stand on his own, and couldn’t walk without his hind legs giving out.
It was his time.
Terry rescued Chico in 2007, before Unidos had begun, when an Antigua resident found him collapsed at the side of the highway coming back from Guatemala City. He brought Terry a ‘gift’-a severely injured, gigantic dog. Terry had him treated and took him home, and she and John fit him into their home and their lives. Chico has been a huge part of all our lives ever since.
Chico was a gentle giant. He adored people, especially children. He roomed with little Molly when we moved to the mountain. Mighty Molly was always the Boss Dog in that relationship, although she was only perhaps a quarter of his size.
Everyone who ever met Chico fell in love with him. He was a magical, ever-so-special dog and the entire fabric of Life on the Cerro has been torn with Chico’s passing. We are grateful for so many wonderful years with this fabulous dog and grateful to the legion of Chico fans who loved him so much and made his life so much more special.
RIP beautiful boy. You will always be with us in our hearts. Farewell to a Truly Great Dog
