
Chito is one of 6 puppies born in early December to a mama rescued from the street in San Martin Jilotepeque, a city about two and a half hours from Antigua. His mother was brought in to the small rescue there and delivered her puppies a day later. Mama has since been sterilized.

There are 4 males and 2 females in this litter. They are all beautiful, friendly and very pro-social puppies. They have been handled and played with daily since they were only a week or so old, and have been with lots of adult dogs and other puppies.

Chito is an adorable black/beige brindly mix fluffer-pupper with the best markings around. He is a friendly, outgoing pup who loves to explore, adventure, and play. He loves a good cuddle, too, so is a pretty perfect mix of snuggle and fun in our opinion.

Chiot is being fostered with his sister Roxy by a wonderful couple and is loving being part of their family, sleeping on soft human beds, playing with their gang of dogs, and being generally spoiled.

These pups are being trained with positive reinforcement and food, and he is a happy, eager to play-the-training-game pup. He already has basic obedience behaviors down and is sleeping the night through in his crate happily. He is a lovely, affectionate pup and will be a great addition to a lucky family.

He is neutered, up to dat on his shots,, healthy and ready for his family to find him. Chito loves the great outdoors, and is not so comfortable in a busy city environment or apartment. His ideal adopter would live in a suburban or semi-rural area.