Eva is special. She is even more special than many dogs because she does everything that they do just as well, but she does it on three legs. It wasn’t always this way. Eva had four legs until a very cruel school bus driver deliberately ran over her as she laid resting by the edge of the school parking lot.

On her worst day, she was also incredibly lucky. Animal lover and school staffer Carla Hawkins witnessed her being run over, and rushed her to a veterinarian for emergency treatment. Unfortunately her leg was crushed and had to be amputated.

Eva was pretty traumatized by this accident, but she is a fighter and she made it through her surgery, living in a strange clinic surrounded by strangers, and she is now healed and healthy and living in foster with Carla, her rescuer.

We believe that the photos say more than words can. Follow along and you will see sweet Eva transform from a frightened little dog in great pain to a sweet, happy, and trusting dog.

Eva is spayed, vaccinated, and her body and spirit are healed. All she needs now to complete her life is a loving family of her very own.