Henry Beans

Henry Beans appeared in the Candelaria community at the north end f Antigua a few months ago. He is a smart guy, and quickly sorted out which neighbors were soft touches for food and affection and which to avoid. He attached himself to a kind woman and her daughter, who leave water and food out for the dogs in the neighborhood. They already have two dogs, so cannot bring in more. Several other free roaming dogs in the area also congregate in front of this house, including Theo. Henry and Theo started accompanying the women on their daily early morning walk with their dogs. The problem was that neither Henry nor Theo were accustomed to wearing a collar or had ever been walked on a leash. So these kind neighbors struggled to keep the two playful dogs close and off the road as they walked their own two leashed dogs.

Eventually, the inevitable occurred, and on  March 29, Henry zigged when he should have zagged, and a speeding motorcyclist hit him. The cyclist was thrown off his bike, suffering minor abrasions. Henry was not so lucky. He had several gashes that needed suturing, but his entire shoulder girdle was dislocated, tearing all the tendons and ligaments, as well as damaging the radial nerve. He lost all ability to move or control his forelimb.

We picked Henry up immediately after his accident, and after being evaluated and rechecked the following day, it was decided to amputate his front leg. He was neutered at the same time (more difficult than normal as he also had one retained testicle, requiring two incisions). The lovely women who fed and cared for him have fostered him during his recovery period.

Henry is now recovered, healthy, vaccinated, and very ready for a wonderful family of his own.  He gets around great and has adapted to three legs beautifully. He is a simply fabulous dog. He is truly one of the sweetest, gentlest, and loveliest dogs we have ever met. He never stops smiling! Some human is going to be incredibly lucky to take this special dog home. Henry is currently available for adoption within Guatemala.