
Joaquin was wandering around Antigua with his dog buddy Margarita for several weeks. They were regulars at our feeding station in front of the Revue office. We brought them in on November 22, 2013. They were tired, thin, and obviously stressed. We posted them both in hopes that their owner was looking for them, but no one ever claimed either dog.

Joaquin is a stunningly beautiful brown and white short haired male, about a year and a half old. He is a wonderful dog with a great personality. He is athletic and strong, and loves to go for long walks or runs. He is great off leash and sticks right beside you. We call him our velcro dog! His recall is awesome, and his leash manners are great. He has been clicker trained and has excellent basic obedience He is very eager to learn and attuned to his trainer. He is great with people-all people, all ages. He loves children and would like to be a lap dog if at all possible! He is also very good with most dogs. He plays hard with his group of favourite buddies at the rescue. He doesn’t go out of his way to meet new dogs who come in. If one approaches him before they have had time together, Joaquin will growl and tell the dog to leave him alone. He always avoids conflict if possible.

Joaquin loves to play fetch and is a great soccer player. He is calm and easy going in the house. He does get car sick, unfortunately. We have been taking him on shorter car rides for a long time now, and he has gotten much better. We make sure that he rides on an empty stomach and he can now do trips of 20 to 30 minutes in the front seat without getting sick. He is our co-pilot! Strangely, although he gets carsick he still loves the car!

Joaquin does display some on-leash reactivity towards ill-mannered, barky dogs. He  can trigger and will sometimes re-direct toward a dog he is walking beside. If off leash, he is fine. We have trained alternate behaviours extensively with Joaquin and he is extremely easy to redirect and is now able to control himself in 99% of encounters, but because  this is a behaviour that needs to be managed, we recommend that he go to a dog savvy adopter with good training skills.

Joaquin is neutered, up to date on shots, and negative for heartworm and tick borne diseases. He is available for adoption, foster, or sponsor.