
Manie means peanut in Spanish, and our little Manie is the cutest nut around! She is a sweet little 3 month old pup. She is a bit of a chunky monkey, with shortish, stocky legs and a round tummy. We never met her mom or dad, so her mix is a mystery, but there is plenty of Adorable in her! We think she will be on the smaller side, perhaps about 30 lbs, but that is a guess.

She is a friendly, outgoing and happy-go-lucky puppy. She lives in a foster home with several other puppies of varying ages and gets along great with all of them and with the adult dogs as well. She loves kids and loves to play.

She is spayed, up to date on her shots, and is ready for local adoption now. She will be ready to travel in adoption in a few weeks.