Nina is a gorgeous mid-sized mixed breed dog. She hails from a town near Antigua called San Juan del Obisbo. Nina found herself in a family way as most unspayed females do when their families leave them outside on the street during their heat. She frequented the home of kind hearted friends Gerson and Tessa who feed many homeless and hungry dogs who pass by. They noted that she was a nursing mother and made sure to give her extra so that she could feed her brood. Despite their care, Nina got thinner and thinner. She slowly became a skeleton covered with fur. One day she passed by and was too debilitated to even eat.

Worried about both Nina and her babies, Gerson followed her to an abandoned, overgrown lot. She worked her way into the undergrowth, and he couldn’t get through the fencing. Nina disappeared after that, and it was feared that she had died. Gerson returned to the lot and gained permission to enter. After a difficult search, he finally found seven tiny, squalling puppies nested into a drainpipe behind thorny bushes. He scooped up the puppies, and carried them home.  The pups were only about two weeks old, and raising them without mama would be difficult.

The couple mounted a search for their mother, and eventually found Nina, even thinner and very sick. They caught her, and brought her to their home where she was reunited with her puppies. They lovingly nursed her back to health, feeding her well and making sure that the puppies had plenty to eat. When the pups were almost two months old, we brought the whole family in.

Nina is a wonderful dog. She is one of the sweetest, most patient and loving dogs ever. She is very attuned to people, and loves a cuddle and any attention one wants to give. She is a mid-energy level dog, very calm and easy going.

Nina is between a year and a year and a half old. She is now healthy and filled in. She is playful and very affectionate. She is a great combination of a young dog who loves to go for walks and to play, and a chill, easy going dog in the home. We are clicker training Nina and she is learning her basic obedience very quickly. Nina is now spayed and healthy and available for adoption.