
Noël was trying desperately to eke out a living around the Cerro de la Cruz, a popular tourist destination above Antigua. She was spotted there by volunteer Keri when out walking her dogs. Noël was in poor shape, and over the ensuing weeks, she was worse every time Keri saw her. Several people reported this sad little puppy to us, but every time we went to look for her, she was not there.

The planets finally aligned one morning, and Keri spotted Noël making her way down the street near her home about 4 days before Christmas in 2018. The timing was perfect, and Keri was able to lure this sick, hungry puppy into her home. So we had our holiday miracle and Noël was safe!

We think she was about 5 month old. She was small, very malnourished, and was suffering from mange and very infected skin. She has been treated for parasites, her skin conditions, and has gained weight and coat. She got out of quarantine and then started to happily playing with all the dogs at the rescue.

She gained more confidence every day and stared to walk in town on leash like a champ. She has made dozens of dog friends and learned to play.

Noël can still be somewhat reserved with people she doesn’t know, but she warms up quickly. She is spayed, fully vaccinated, and has all her basic training. She is crate trained and is an easy-going girl who is calm and well behaved in the home.
Noël is about 3.5 years old and looking for her foreverhome in the San Francisco Bay Area.