
Little Torra was trying to eat spilled food from the middle of a busy road. Cars were swerving to miss her and it was just a matter of time before she was struck and injured or killed. Team member Keri pulled over and scooped this little puppy off the road and to safety.

Torra was clearly loved and cared for by humans, because she LOVES people. We have seldom met a more people loving puppy! She is a cuddle bug and a leaner and a kisser. She was, however petrified by other dogs when she was brought in. She barked and tried to hide and wanted nothing to do with any of them. With some gentle introductions to nice puppies and dogs, she is how happily playing and interacting with several dozen dogs.

Torra still barks at dogs she doesn’t know when on leash walks. We are training this by pairing all new dogs with happy voices and delicious food. She will need continued training in this to learn that new dogs are nice.

She is smart as a whip, very easy to train as she is very food-motivated. She has already picked up several of her base behaviors and is doing great on leash walks and crate training.

Torra is 4 months old, has had her puppy vaccines, and is spayed. She is a short coated dog and we think she will be on the smaller side. She has a naturally docked tail. She is ready for a loving home of her own.