
We found five severely malnourished and sick puppies living with a poor family in a shack in a coffee farm. The family has several dogs and of course, they keep breeding. We agreed to take the puppies conditional that the family allow us to spay and neuter their adult dogs. They agreed, and in came five little scruffy black and tan pups.

Yoda is one of two females in the litter. She had every kind of parasite imaginable, and had a severe case of sarcoptic mange. She has made a stunning recovery in her wonderful foster home and is now healthy and her hair is growing in. She is ready for adoption. Yoda is the smallest puppy in the litter and earned her name for her funny, sideways aiming ears and her scruffy appearance.

Yoda has a very sweet, friendly, and playful personality. She loves people and gets along great with other dogs. She is very appropriate with them and loves to play with her puppy friends. She has never met a person she doesn’t like.

Given their very rough start, her sweetness and friendliness is nothing short of miraculous.