Sometimes rescue doesn’t have a happy ending. Sometimes it just breaks your heart. Last week we lost our sweet Zac. Our hearts are so heavy and this is a very difficult post to write.
Zac was to have flown to his wonderful new family in Portland on Thursday. He died exactly one week before his scheduled departure from Guatemala, and we have no explanation for his death, which just makes it even worse.
Zac passed a normal morning on the day he died, happily playing with the other puppies and Nina and Claire in the play yard. Just after noon he was in his run taking a break with Nina and he began to vomit. We immediately rushed him to our vet, and he progressively got worse over the next few hours, finally dying less than four hours after he showed his first signs that he was unwell. Our vet tried everything to save him, but was unable to. Zac had not a mark on his little body-no trauma, no stings, no bites, no snake, scorpion, no nothing. His symptoms matched no known poison, and we have NOTHING toxic at the shelter, not even fertilizer. He was not on the street or even out for a walk in the three days preceding his death. No other pup or dog that was with him has become sick.
Losing this beautiful, apparently perfectly healthy puppy is a complete shock and a heartbreak. Not knowing what caused his death makes it that much harder to bear. We are so terribly sorry for him, for his original rescuers Erwin and Inge, Tessa and Gerson, and for his wonderful future family who loved him before they even met him.
Your life was far too short, little Zac. You are missed very much.

Zac’s Story:

Zac was found when he was just a month old and weighed only two pounds. He was found by the side of a busy road in the dark on February 13th by good samaritan friends. Zac was too little to be up at the rescue, so has been fostered with friends.

Zac is very outgoing, sweet and friendly. He loves people, is great with other dogs, and is a beautiful, healthy pup. He is neutered, vaccinated, and has some training.

Zac is now neutered and growing fast. He continues to be an adorable, sweet, funny guy, and loves everyone and everything.