Georgia was a young, no-longer owned dog who had been abandoned to the street in a small village named El Hato which lies between Antigua and our rescue facility. She was between 7 and 8 months old when we brought her in. She was a very scruffy, staving and obviously sick little dog, always curled up in front of the town hall. We passed her daily, and stopped to feed her on our trips. She was suffering from a severe flea bite dermatitis, and had lost a lot of hair. She had a semi-healed wound on her neck from being tied up, and a thick discharge from both eyes consistent with distemper. Georgia’s health and appearance declined with every day, even with the supplementary feedings we were supplying. She began to look more like a sick hyena than a dog. Finally, we couldn’t stand to see her so miserable, and Terry scooped her up and brought her in. We suspected that she may have had distemper, so quarantined her for a week to see if she developed pneumonia or other symptoms. We treated her eyes with antibiotic cream, and treated her skin issues. Thankfully, Georgia did not show any other signs or symptoms of distemper and her eyes cleared up with the creams. Georgia recovered fully and became a beautiful, silky coated, sweet and loving dog.
