
Charlotte was a regular visitor to the “Puppy Buffet” we serve up daily in front of the Revue Magazine office in Antigua. She was a thin, blackish female dog with terrible skin. She was covered with bald patches caused by a flea bite allergy, and had obviously been mistreated. After many visits to get a free meal, we asked her if she’d like to come in off the street. She immediately came on in, and never left.

Charlotte’s skin healed and she soon began to trust us.  She quickly proved herself to be one of the nicest dogs we’ve ever known. She settled in with the dogs up at the shelter, getting along with all of them. Charlotte loves everyone-especially children. Smart, playful and very sweet, she is everyone’s favourite dog.  Charlotte was adopted by a wonderful family living in Antigua at Christmas, 2013. She moved back to the US with them in the summer of 2014, and lives in Portland, Oregon.