
Allegra lived most of her first months at the end of a chain with another dog. Frustrated, neglected, and hungry, they barked a lot. Finally, a neighbor poisoned both dogs.

They were brought to our Veterinarian by a passing good Samaritan, and miraculously both dogs survived. Our vet contacted us days later and begged us to take Allegra as she was now recovered and needed rehabilitation.

Allegra has been with us since June of 2013. We think she was about 9 months old when we got her. She is a stunning young German Shepherd cross, inky black with a tiny white blaze on her chest and shiny as a new penny.

Allegra loves people, and once she gets to know you she is totally connected. She adores children and loves nothing as much as playing with them or being cuddled by them. She is whip smart, and has been clicker trained. She has excellent obedience and a pretty cute repertoire of tricks in her bag. She was pretty badly treated in her former “home”, and was definitely hit, so positive based training is very important with her. She loves to figure out what is being asked of her, and she loves to work for food, so she is a dream to train.
True to her Shepherd genes, Allegra is very protective of her people. She has a strong, deep bark and will use it if she thinks she needs to guard her space or her people. However she is not aggressive in any way, and immediately settles when called back.

Allegra gets along great with other dogs. She would do best in a home without cats.

She loves to play with toys and enjoys games of all kinds. She fetches, loves tug, and has some beginning agility training. Allegra is very athletic and loves to run and play. Allegra just returned from a week long foster, and her foster parents say she is beyond amazing, and in their eyes, she is perfect!