
Bingo is a young guy, perhaps a year or so old. He has a beautiful silvery face wrapped in the soft gold of the rest of his head and back.

Bingo was picked up by Tessa and Gerson when they saw him injured and bleeding in the street near their home. Someone had attached him with a machete, leaving him with a huge open wound across his shoulders. The wound required over 30 stitches to close.

This dog is wonderfully sweet, loving and playful. He lives with and gets along great with a gaggle of other dogs in his foster home. He comes to our weekly Friday playgroup and is a social butterfly with all the dogs, young and old, big and small. He handicaps himself beautifully and is a great dog park candidate.

Bingo is healthy and loves to play. He is fully vaccinated, neutered, and healed from his injury. He is an active dog and would love to join you for  daily adventures and play session. He is affectionate and gentle with people. He would be a fantastic family dog.