Puppy Kali was in terrible shape when we brought her in.  Kali was almost hairless, scabby and infested with fleas and mange, bloated with parasites, weak and terrified, but she was too hungry to be able to resist bits of meat tossed to her. We managed to catch her and brought her home, hoping that we had gotten her in time to treat her myriad health issues.

Kali has recovered beautifully. Her skin has healed, her coat has grown in soft and lush, and she is now a bright eyed and happy little puppy. She loves to play with toys; she especially loves emptying her toy box all over the house. She adores playing fetch, and is learning trust new people. She has a sweet, loving personality and loves to cuddle with her people.  Kali is a great couch potato and enjoys hanging out watching movies.  She gets along great with all the other dogs in the rescue and is fine with cats.

We think Kali will be a fairly small dog. She currently weighs 16 pounds, and is about five months old. She is learning basic obedience behaviours, and is crate trained. She is doing very well on her house training and has not made a mistake in months. She is spayed and has all her shots.

Kali underwent  surgery in early September to correct a growth problem in her right foreleg. She is recovering beautifully and her leg is groping straight and strong.

Sponsors to help us cover her surgical costs would be very welcome. We still have a large veterinary bill for Kali.