
Canche and her sister Mancha were dumped in a cardboard box in front of a kind person’s home. These two sweet pups were lucky, because they ended up getting medical help and a foster through this kind person, and later we took them in.

Canche is adorably cute, cafe-con-leche in color, with pale eyes. She is sweet, affectionate, and very playful. She gets along great with her sister, all the other pups at the rescue, and with the big dogs, too. She is smart as a whip, and has quickly learned her base obedience behaviours, which we teach through positive reinforcement (food). She rides great in the car, and we are working on her crate training.

She is an outgoing and people loving puppy with a very easy going nature. Canche will be spayed March 20 and will be available for adoption right afterward.