Hope (Canela)

Hope, aka Canela, and now mostly known as Dobby, was a ‘community-dog’ in Antigua. Nice neighbors cared for her and made sure that she had food and water.

One night, Hope showed up at team member Keri’s door. Hope had an injured leg and was very frightened. As soon as Keri opened her door, Hope entered. Keri took care of her injury and got her house-trained and patiently taught her that collars and harnesses weren’t scary. Hope then joined our crew in the rescue center,  where the team taught her basic manners and how to walk on a leash.

We got the information that a lovely couple from the neighborhood was worried because Hope/Canela disappeared. Long story short – Hope got adopted by them! She’s living her best life with her very best friend, Theo (also an ‘ex-community-dog’), who got adopted too!