
Sweet mama Kesha was likely struck by a car. Her left hind leg was very badly fractured, and she was pregnant. As she was living on her own on the street, there was no one to help her. She gave birth to nine puppies under an abandoned car in the town of San Juan del Obispo. It was cold, and she couldn’t move very well because of her terrible fracture. Four of her puppies died in the cold, unable to locate her and to keep warm.

Friends Tessa and Gerson found her and brought Kesha and her remaining puppies into their home where they were kept safe and warm, and Kesha could rest and take care of her brood. She did a fabulous job and raised five beautiful, friendly and healthy babies.

We took her and the puppies in when they were about 6 weeks old. The puppies are now weaned,  and adopted.

Unfortunately, the damage to Kesha’s femur and surrounding tissue was so great that we had to have her leg amputated. Because it was such a difficult amputation, our vet elected to spay her at a later date.

Kesha is a remarkably sweet, friendly and calm dog. She had to have been in great pain, yet has never even whimpered. She is wonderful with all the dogs at the rescue, was endlessly patient with her pups, and cuddly and affectionate with everyone she meets. She is now spayed, healed and doing great. She is ready for adoption. Kesha will be a wonderful addition to some lucky family’s life.

She is fit and able to walk and play equally to her four legged buddies. She has basic obedience, a good recall, and is friendly and outgoing with people of all sizes and ages. She would do best in a home without cats, as she does like to chase.

We would welcome donations toward her surgery, which cost about $300 US.