Naga was found in June of 2017 by friends Erin and Gabriel. She had a nasty open wound on her side, likely from a machete. They cared for her until it was healed, and we took her once she was recovered.

Naga is a very sweet, calm, and loving young female. She appears to be part Husky, but she is much smaller and she doesn’t have the temperament of the Huskys we have met. She is very calm, quiet, and wants to be with you all the time. She loves to lean into you for petting.

Naga is extremely food motivated and very easy to train. She is learning all her basic behaviours quickly, walks beautifully both on and off leash, and is not reactive on walks. She gets along well with all the dogs at the rescue, and loves people.

She is spayed, up to date on her shots, and ready for a family of her own.