
Major is between 6 and 8 years old, we think. He came to us via a good samaritan who saw him languishing in a huge, overcrowded, and very sad facility in Guatemala. We actually knew of this dog as another volunteer had told us about him more than five years ago. We were shocked to find out that he was still there, unadopted so many years later. He was sweet, young, healthy and beautiful when he entered that facility-there was no reason we could fathom that he had not been adopted.

Major arrived with us on Dec. 30, 2018. He was in awful condition; matted and filthy, full of burrs, ticks, and fleas. He had a severe flea bite allergy, worn teeth and infected gums. In spite of his terrible state, he was the sweetest, most affectionate and lovely dog imaginable.

We cleaned him up, got his skin healthy, his teeth taken care of and changed his name to Major. He never looked back and settled in at the rescue without missing a beat.  He happily digs holes in the play yard to bury toys, shreds stuffed toys and devours the contents of his stuffed Kongs with glee. He walks great on leash and off, and loves exploring and sniffing.

He gets along great with all the dogs at the rescue, and tolerates puppies with great gentleness. His favorite hobbies are giving kisses and getting belly rubs, snuggling next to you, and eating treats.

Major is a lower energy dog. He has elbow dysplasia in both elbows, so does best with shorter walks on flatter terrain. This means he is just about perfect for normal families who would enjoy 30 minute walks in the neighborhood as opposed to multi-hour hikes.

Major rides great in the car (he needs a boost in and to be lifted out, to not jolt his elbows). He is easy going and relaxed and just a wonderful dog. Major takes a daily joint supplement and is on Carprofen (Rimadyl, an NSAID-anti inflammatory and pain medication) for his elbows, and will need to continue this regimen for life. Aside from his elbows, he is very healthy and fit.

We would prefer to place Major in Guatemala, but we can send him to the Bay Area if the right family for him applies.