Roz passed away peacefully at the rescue in 2022.

We got Roz during the influx of dogs received after volcano Fuego blew her top in June. Roz didn’t come from the area of the eruption, but rather from a construction site in Guatemala city.

She had apparently been there for years. She was a complete wreck and we simply didn’t have the heart to turn her away. She had a severe, consolidated and old elbow/scapular fracture, what was revealed on x-ray to be grade 4 hip dysplasia with luxation, severely arthritic knees, and spinal arthritis, in addition to mange and flea sensitivity that had caused her to lose almost all her hair.

She is almost toothless and was in terrible pain from all her untreated issues. We put her on on a cocktail of daily pain medications and treated her skin issues. Within days, she was getting up, hobbling around and sometimes even trying to play!

She has truly transformed over the past few months, and now sports the lushest, softest and most beautiful soft coat. She loves her pets and massages, and spends her days mooching treats and sunning herself in the grass.

There is nothing to be done for her old fractures, so we simply treat her for pain and inflammation. As long as her quality of life is acceptable, and as long as she continues to eat with gusto and enjoy her sunshine baths and massages and cuddles, she has a home with us at Cerro del Perro.

Enjoy your well-earned retirement, Roz!