
Sakura was thrown over our wall from a passing vehicle during a heavy rainstorm. We suppose that whoever did this was trying to dump her in a place that would take care of her. We suppose. Luckily for this little pup, she happened to land on the roof of one of our runs. Had she landed in the open area, the other dogs would likely have attacked her and injured or killed her. Groups of dogs don’t take kindly to new dogs falling from the sky into their midst.

Terry and John heard the frantic barking, came out in the downpour, and managed to eventually get the terrified, traumatized pup off the roof and with some shifting, into a dry run on her own.

During her spay, the vet discovered that Sakura was pregnant. She is now spayed and recovered and has settled in to the group at the center very well. She is a very sweet, affectionate dog, probably about a year old. She is beautiful, which cafe-au-lait colored medium length fur and perfect white teeth. She is full grown and weighs about 25 lbs.

Sakura loves the people and kids who she meets at the rescue, and gets along with all the dogs. She plays well with all the dogs, and loves to play with toys. However, she is fearful and very reactive to strangers (especially men). She can be fearful on the street when it is busy or loud. She is doing very well with her basic training and is crate trained. She was very reactive on leash, but  Phomolo’s patient training has worked wonders and she now walks past bikes, joggers, and other dogs calmly .

Sakura tore a cruciate ligament playing in the play yard. This has been repaired, and she is doing fine.