Animal Profile Type: Adopted
Toffee was found in Santa Lucia Milpas Altas above Antigua by good samaritans and brought to us for rehabilitation. Toffee was about a year and a half old, had recently had a litter, and was suffering from TVT (known here as a sticker tumor), a type of venereal cancer that is transmitted during mating. We had…
Peluche comes from Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. He was owned by an indigenous family there, who agreed to allow AYUDA (an animal welfare group) to vaccinate and neuter him. He did okay with this family until the cattle flies found his ears. They bit his ears badly and both ears were bloody, inflamed messes. AYUDA…
Mowgli was found in miserable shape wandering in San Miguel Escobar by friends Jason and Alison. The puppy was so weak and sick that they couldn’t bear to leave him on the street. They took him to their office,and Mowgli was fostered by co-worker Jane for several weeks. Then Isabel took him in foster until…
Dulce was found wandering in Antigua with a horrible skin condition on her neck and underbelly. It took months and months to clear it up-one of the most persistent cases of mange we have ever treated. She was adopted by volunteers Jason and Alison, re-christened Luna, and now lives across the pond in Bristol.
Eva and her brother Sam were born to a feral mamma on a steep hillside near Antigua. A very poor family cares for the mama, but she is too fearful and too smart for us to be able to trap and spay her. The family called us because Sam seemed to have something wrong with…
Ellie was dumped in the city of San Cristobal near Guatemala City at about 5 months of age. We have no idea who could have dumped this puppy. She is cuteness itself! Ellie is some kind of shaggy terrier cross-possibly part Schnauzer. She was spotted by one of our volunteers when she was almost run over,…
Ninja was a dog at AWARE. Dr. Jim saw him there on one of his trips and asked us to take Ninja and send him to Michigan when he had been rehabilitated. We did, and Ninja was placed in adoption with a family in Michigan.
Eddie was brought in by Jennifer Crist in July of 2012. He and a smaller female were hanging out at a boys orphanage in Ciudad Satellite that she is affiliated with. The dogs stayed around because there was a lot of free food available, however, they were being very badly treated by the children. Eddie…
Martini was picked up by a woman in Guatemala City in terrible shape. He was a very young, very tiny puppy, literally covered in sarcoptic mange. Terrified and very sick, she brought him to a vet in the city, who began treatment. She contacted us, begging us to take the puppy. Friend and supporter Linda…
Approximate age-born October or November, 2011. Tiana was brought to us by Miriam Roldan, a local animal rescuer. She encountered the dog being dragged by two small boys. They had apparently been told by their mother to take the puppy to the market and “lose” it there, as the pup had eaten some vegetables. Tiana…
Tanner (previous name: Trinket) was spotted by volunteer Jenna Guffy amongst the many dogs at Animal AWARE in the summer of 2012. When he still hadn’t been adopted by that fall, she asked us to take him. Unfortunately, when we got him he has suffered an injury and had an untreated total tear of one…
Moose was surrendered by his owner to vet Dr. Calderon when an untreated injury to his hind leg resulted in an infection so severe that the leg had to be amputated. The owner did not want to spend the money for treatment, and did not want a three-legged dog. He told the vet to destroy…