We brought Asha and her three tiny 4 or 5 week old babies (Lava, Lahar and Ceniza) in shortly after the June 3 volcano eruption of Fuego. The four dogs were found at ground zero. They were in pretty awful condition (previous to the eruption), and the babies were burned and very sick.

We weren’t sure that the babies would even make it, but Asha was a fabulous mother (even though she didn’t have any more milk for her pups). She took great care of her pups and with a lot of added care, all survived and thrived.

Asha is a really wonderful young dog. She is very pretty, with a salt-and pepper brownish grey coat. She is petit and a perfect size at about 35 lbs. She is very friendly and affectionate, without being pushy. She is smart and food motivated and excelling at her training.

Asha would do well as an only dog. She is great with almost all dogs outside and in the park, and with many, but not all, dogs in the home. This would need to be tried out as she can be somewhat guardy about “her’ space, people and things with some other dogs.  Her guarding is non-injurious, but growly.

We are looking for a rural type lifestyle for Asha. She is an outdoor enthusiast and would do really well away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Asha is spayed, fully vaccinated and healthy, and available to meet in the Bay Area.