
Calvin is a gorgeous light cream colored puppy. He was born in February, 2015. He and his mom ended up in an overcrowded shelter in Guatemala, both suffering from severe demodectic mange. He and his mom were being treated for this, and he grew up at this site, with little contact other than from volunteers in a clinic. The shelter is extremely overcrowded and understaffed. Friends and volunteers Jenna and Jillian Guffy visited AWARE at the end of June and asked us to take the puppies, as they were already about three months old and were not receiving the socialization or training they needed to be adoptable.

Additionally, they were suffering from upper respiratory infections that were not responding to treatment. Jenna and Jilli asked us to take the puppies which we did. The pups arrived with us on July 4, and once they were treated, bathed, and healthy, the girls trained and worked with them daily.

Calvin was lucky enough to be fostered by Isabel and Velvet, and had a wonderful time exploring the world with them. He is a happy, sweet, frieldy little guy and will make a wonderful addition to his adoptive family!