
Sarah came to us after being rescued by friends Tessa and Gerson. They found this little beauty injured by the side of the road. She was no doubt struck by a car and left to die. She had a fractured pelvis and fractured femur. There is nothing that can be done for a fractured pelvis aside from rest, but the femur could be pinned. Tess and Gerson asked Dr. Sican Pelen of El Arca to do the surgery, and he did a beautiful job. They had Sarah spayed when she had her pin removed. Due to her fractures, she still favours her hind leg and sometimes lifts it when she walks.

They fostered Sarah from January until we had room to take her, so when Sarah came to us on April 19th she was in great shape physically and trusting of people she knew.

Sarah is a small dog, weighing 30 lbs. She is a short haired light brindle mix. We think she is between a year and a year and a half old. Sara is a very sweet, slightly timid lady. She was clearly mistreated in her past and can be fearful. She is simply terrified of the leash and still won’t take a step when attached to it. We are working slowly on building confidence with Sarah and feel sure that she will soon be enjoying long walks in the coffee farm with the rest of the dogs.

Sarah can still a be little fearful of new things, but she has settled in very well with the dogs and with us. She is a gentle, sweet dog and she plays and interacts very nicely with the other dogs and with the puppies. She will be an ideal pet for a quieter household. She won’t need long walks and endless exercise. She will be a perfect couch-cuddle-bunny.