
Delta gave birth to 6 puppies in a merchant’s stall in the Antigua market. She was discovered there by some kind hearted people who went daily to feed her and posted her on social media to try to find a temporary home for her and her puppies. Unfortunately, no one stepped up and when her puppies were three weeks old, they were taken and likely sold by the drunks who sleep and hang out behind the market.

Delta was distraught, looking everywhere for her puppies. She had so much milk that she dripped as she walked. Our friends tried to find her pups, but were not successful.

We contacted them and told them we would make space for the mother dog. Delta arrived with us on  February 8, 2016. She was swollen with milk and had an open, seeping wound above her tail.

Delta is now spayed and has really settled in at the rescue. She is an exceptionally nice dog, sweet, friendly and easy going. She loves treats and loves training because of this. She is much more trusting and confident and loves petting and attention, but is not pushy about it.

She is walking great on leash, and is just fine off leash, too. Delta gets along with all the dogs and puppies. She is friendly and appropriate, and very tolerant of the little ones.

Delta is ready for her furever home. She is a great dog in every way.