
Hank is one of 6 puppies born in early December to a mama rescued from the street in San Martin Jilotepeque, a city about two and a half hours from Antigua. His mother was brought in to the small rescue there and delivered her puppies a day later. She has since been sterilized.

There are 4 males and 2 females in this litter. They are all beautiful, friendly and very pro-social puppies. They have been handled and played with daily since they were only a week or so old, and have been with lots of adult dogs and other puppies.

Hank likely had a different father from the other pups in the litter as he looks very different from them. He has cream and yellow markings and his legs and feet are much heavier and larger.

Hank is a mellow puppy, very laid back and easy going. He loves to play in bursts, and is happy to snooze away in between. He invites his siblings and the other dogs to play with a bark.

These pups are being trained with positive reinforcement and food, and he is a happy, eager to play-the-training-game pup. He already has basic obedience behaviours down and is chilling in his crate happily. He is a lovely, affectionate pup and will be a great addition to a lucky family.

These pups will be sterilized on March 20 and are available for adoption afterward.