Animal Profile Type: Adopted
Paco was a scared four month old puppy trying to scrounge food near our feeding station in Antigua in November, 2013. We had spotted him, and so had a lovely traveler named Giselle. She asked us to help her catch him, and we willingly did so. Giselle was traveling and not heading back to her…
We met Ben and his sister Abbey when we held a spay and neuter clinic in mid December, 2013. We approached a poor family who live at the gate of the coffee farm we visit to see if they wanted so spay their female dogs. They did, and brought us two tiny, very sick puppies as…
Jet black Daisy was following foreigners around begging for food in a small town by the lake. She was smart enough to choose friends Jason and Alison, who ended up bringing her back to Antigua with them. Daisy was young and very friendly. It didn’t take long for us to get her trained and ready…
Georgia was a young, no-longer owned dog who had been abandoned to the street in a small village named El Hato which lies between Antigua and our rescue facility. She was between 7 and 8 months old when we brought her in. She was a very scruffy, staving and obviously sick little dog, always curled…
Charlotte was a regular visitor to the “Puppy Buffet” we serve up daily in front of the Revue Magazine office in Antigua. She was a thin, blackish female dog with terrible skin. She was covered with bald patches caused by a flea bite allergy, and had obviously been mistreated. After many visits to get a…
Paco Chihuahua
Little Paco was running around on the road near the cross on the hill north of Antigua. He was pretty scared, and we seldom find dogs as small as he on the loose. He wouldn’t come when we tried to approach, but was very interested in the dogs we had in the car. SO we…
Tuck is a neutered male Shi Tzu who belonged to a local woman. He lived with another dog named Lassie. His owner died after a long decline, and we took in both Tuck and Lassie in on September 13, 2013. Due to his owner’s extended illness, Tuck and his friend had been very neglected. He…
Kaya is a small black and tan adult female dog. We believe that she was about one year old on intake. She was thin and dirty, limping along a busy street in Antigua, holding up a clearly badly broken right hind leg. We stopped to feed her,leaving a pile of food on the sidewalk which…
We spotted Lila (pronounced Lee-la, meaning Lilac in French…and Spanish) ) wandering near the central park in Antigua on August 15, 2013. She stood out because of her beautiful and unique markings (white with a dark brown saddle and eye patch) and because she was filthy and pathetically, skeletally thin. Her tail was plastered against…
Zara is a mixed breed puppy, approximately 5 to 6 months old on intake. She weighed about 12 pounds, and was thin and filthy, loaded with fleas, and showing lotos of bald patches from an allergic reaction to the flea bites. We picked up Zara in the town of Zaragoza after seeing her curled up…
Hilde is a purebred miniature Schnauzer puppy, supposedly born March 23, 2013. We think that she was younger than this, as she still has not begun to teethe (as of July 29, 2013).Hilde was dropped off to the Revue office by a woman who had bought her about ten days previously from a local pet…
Heather was in truly appalling condition when volunteers Jason and Alison brought her to us. This little creature apparently had an owner, and yet still was starved and suffering from terrible mange. Heather took quite a few months to turn around. We honestly had no idea what she would look like, or be like when…