Animal Profile Type: Adopted

  • Camille


    Terry found Camille collapsed and laying on the side of the road near her home. The dog was terribly malnourished and obviously dehydrated and very ill. She scooped her up and took her to Vet Pro for treatment.  Camille was a very, very sick little girl, and had a long, long battle back to health.…

  • Nikki


    Nikki was found hanging around the basketball courts at the north end of 1st Avenue North in Antigua. She had been in the same area for several day, growing progressively thinner and hungrier. She was very sweet, and approached eagerly in hopes of food. We finally picked her up as it was obvious that she…

  • Midge


    Midge was brought in by Jennifer Crist. She and a young male dog were hanging out at a boys orphanage in Ciudad Satellite that Jennifer is affiliated with. The dogs stayed around because there was a lot of free food available, however, they were being very badly treated by the children. Midge is a small,…

  • Isis


    Isis was a regular customer at the Puppy Palace Buffet for several months before we caught her. She generally arrived in the company of two buddies-a female and a male. The three were almost always together. Of the three, Isis was by far the shyest and most frightened. She was very thin. She would eat,…

  • Charlie


    Charlie arrived at the Revue offices in the arms of his owners. The skin on his belly was a mass of blisters, his elbows and underarms were seeping, scabby, and infected. He was filthy, but otherwise in good shape. Terry explained that we couldn’t take the pup as we were full, but offered to help…

  • Leon


    Leon came to us via Mayan Families in Panajachel in July of 2011. He was spotted by Angela Padilla of Northern California Family Dog Rescue, and she asked to have him sent to her rescue in adoption.  She asked us to help recuperate him as he was in terrible condition and could not fly to…

  • Coalie


    Approximate age-born early March, 2012. Coalie was dropped off at Vet Pro by a rescuer who picked her up but did no more. She was in good condition, slightly thin, but otherwise healthy. She had a lot of fleas, but probably hadn’t been on the street long. Coalie is jet black with the tiniest white tip…

  • Kala


    Kali is a stunning light tan brindle. She is most likely part shepherd-the other part is anyone’s guess. She was picked up in front of the Puppy Palace in Antigua on March 13, 2012, nursing pups somewhere, and very bony and malnourished. She followed Terry inside for food. She is young-somewhere between one and a…

  • Chance


    Chance was living around the home of Linda Conard in Las Gravileas on the outskirts of Antigua. He had a terrible skin condition and looked more like a hyena than a dog. Linda saw him daily, and his state bothered her terribly. She contacted us and asked for guidance.Terry went to her home several times…

  • Chula


    Little Chula was one of a group of four dogs brought to Vet Pro Veterinary clinic and dropped off by the volunteer firefighters. They found all four near a river in Antigua. Of the four, three survived-tiny puppy Cocoa Bean, Chula, and Sunny. Chula is a small, young, golden colored, short haired female, very friendly…

  • Cocoa Bean

    Cocoa Bean

    Cocoa Bean was brought to Vet Pro Clinic and dropped off by the volunteer firefighters in Antigua. She had been found lying beside the river, semi-unconscious and close to death. She was very tiny-just over 2 pounds in weight, hypothermic, severely malnourished and dehydrated, with rickets, full of parasites, and with severe sarcoptic mange.  Dr.…

  • Mike


    Mike was brought to us on July 5, 2010 by a young boy who said he was inside his school, being teased and mistreated by the students. He reported that the students were dressing the pup up, painting him, and that a group of students began to kick the dog and pull at him. He…