Sushi is a small senior Schnauzer mix we found wandering in the road above Antigua. She was dazed, disoriented, and very, very dirty.
She was also completely and totally infested with ticks and fleas. She was terribly bloated, but x-rays revealed only a huge amount of retained feces. Bathed, treated for parasites, and trimmed up, we found a very cute little lady beneath all that neglect.
Sushi is older, probably about 8 years old. She has had litters of puppies, and was not in great condition. But she is now vaccinated, spayed and much healthier. She still needs a dental and to be tested for tick-borne diseases.
She is available for adoption locally. Sushi has Legg Perthes disease and one hip is affected. She will be undergoing surgery to alleviate this during the first week of January, and will be available for adoption when recovered.