George Clooney

We spotted George in July on the side of the highway in the town of Santa Lucia Milpas Altas. We couldn’t stop, but this mangy, old dog with a gigantic swelling jutting from his elbow haunted us. We saw him again in August, and in early October a good samaritan sent us photos begging us to help. George was caught and taken to Vet Pro. We thought that he would likely have to be euthanized, but although he was in terrible shape, none of his problems were life-threatening. We boarded the dog at the vets for a couple of weeks, had him neutered when he was strong enough, and brought him up to the rescue on October 28th. We treated him for some of his issues. He had a medicated bath, was vaccinated, got dewormed (he has tapeworms, likely other nasties), and we treated him for fleas. We started him on antibiotics for his skin infections, too.
We actually aren’t convinced that he is all that old. He has just had a terribly, terribly hard life. He may be only 6 or 7 years old.
In addition to his huge tumor, which is likely a hygroma, he has a scarred right eye (and has limited if any vision out of it), as well as an old, untreated, and badly healed fracture of his left femur.
He is very sweet, and much more trusting of us than he was when he first came in, thanks to the kindness and good care he received at the vet.

We decided to try him out with the Porch Pack, as he likely won’t be doing much leash walking with his damaged hind leg.

Yancy liked him immediately and invited him to play. (Poor Yancy was probably delighted to FINALLY have a guy to hang with instead of all the ladies who end up sharing his porch!). Somalia accepted George just fine, and of course Canela loves every dog, so welcomed him, too.

He explored the huge garden and did some delighted back scratching on the soft green grass.

George will probably be a Sanctuary Dog and live out his days with us. Sponsors are welcomed to help us pay for his care.