
Nena is a mid-sized salt and pepper coloured, short haired mix of who knows what! She looks a bit like an Australian Cattle Dog to us, but has a soft, laid back character that is not at all like the cattle dogs we know. She was found in a small village near Lake Atitlan by a team of young veterinarians and vet students who were holding a spay and neuter campaign.

Nena was in very bad condition, unable to put weight on her hind leg. She was dirty, malnourished, and full of parasites.  Friend Ligia couldn’t bear to leave this poor dog suffering on the street, so asked us to take her. We could not take her immediately, so she was fostered by another friend of Ligia’s until we had space.

Nina is young-from the looks of her teeth, probably about a year or a year and a half. She is beautiful and sweet. She is very attached to people, and wants to climb onto your lap immediately. She has learned some basic cues, and is fun and easy to train.

She has been treated, vaccinated and spayed. She is doing well with her training and has basic obedience behaviours. She is house trained and is not destructive.

Can’t adopt Nena? Please consider sponsoring her.