
Snoopy was found as a young puppy, probably only about 4 months old, wandering lost in San Cristobal El Bajo, a small town near Antigua in the middle of August, 2015. He was in bad shape, malnourished, wormy, full of fleas, and losing hair. He was rescued by friends Tessa and Gerson who brought him home and started treating him and feeding him well.

We met Snoopy about a month after he was found, but did not have space to bring him into the rescue. His rescuers fostered him until the middle of September when we could receive him. By the time we got Snoopy, he was healthy but still quite shy with people he didn’t know.

Snoopy quickly settled in and has grown into a sweet, calm puppy who loves people and other dogs. He was quickly adopted and is a gorgeous, well loved young dog now.