Animal Profile Type: Adopted

  • Panda


    Panda is about four months old. He was found wandering in a park in central Antigua, scrounging for food. He was dirty and had tie marks burned into his neck.  We picked him up thinking that someone must be looking for a puppy this cute, but apparently no one was. Panda is sweet, smart, and…

  • Indy


    Indy is an adorable  puppy we found wandering in the town of El Hato at the beginning of August. She has truly stunning eyes; one soft brown and the other a clear, bright blue. She was far too small to be out on her own, and was desperately trying to get local children to feed her.…

  • Silvie


    Silvie was brought in from Jocotenango, a town near Antigua. She was being abused by a drunken man who was trying to sell her so he could buy more liquor. Friend Cesar took her away and brought her to us. Silvie was very young, probably only 7 weeks old, so she still trusted and liked people.…

  • Frankie


    Frankie is a beautiful, blue eyed, cream coated Husky cross. He is about 10 months old, and was picked up laying in the street, so sick he couldn’t get out of the rain. Frankie is doing amazingly well. He has recovered almost completely from  and loves to go on long runs and play with his…

  • Mabel


    Mabel joined our residents in January of 2014. She was wandering in the street and picked up by some tourists who dropped her off at our veterinarian and left. Mabel had a filthy bandage on her foreleg covering up a nasty road burn, no doubt caused by a car. She was limping badly, and had…

  • Margarita


    Margarita was wandering around Antigua with her dog buddy Joaquin for several weeks. They were regulars at our feeding station in front of the Revue office. We brought them in on November 22, 2013. They were tired, thin, and obviously stressed. We posted them both in hopes that their owner was looking for them, but…

  • Kali


    Puppy Kali was in terrible shape when we brought her in.  Kali was almost hairless, scabby and infested with fleas and mange, bloated with parasites, weak and terrified, but she was too hungry to be able to resist bits of meat tossed to her. We managed to catch her and brought her home, hoping that we…

  • Beau


    Beau is a stunning mature dog, perhaps five or six years old. We think he has some Chow in him, but he looks almost fox-like. Beau is incredibly affectionate, friendly to everyone he meets, quiet, laid back and perfectly house trained. He has learned how to play and loves to chew rawhide toys and stuffed…

  • Berry


    Berry is the cutest, tiniest little pup ever. She was found dumped on a doorstep, covered in fleas and sick. Our Ronaldo brought her in and get her cleaned up. Berry recovered quickly and is now bright eyed and totally fearless. She will be a tiny adult; we think that she is a Jack Russell Terrier cross.…

  • Lu Lu

    Lu Lu

    Lu Lu was  about four months old when she was found by friends Tessa and Gerson in terrible shape, suffering from severe sarcoptic mange, malnutrition and internal parasites. They picked her up and asked us to help place her. Lu Lu is now about 6 months old and completely recovered from her skin infection and parasites. Her coat has grown…

  • Frijolito


    Frijolito is an adorable German Shepherd cross puppy born April 1, 2014 to a feral female who lives on the mountain above Antigua. She is too fearful and wily to catch to spay but the family who feeds her brought us her puppies to raise so they would not grow up feral, too. Frijolito is a…

  • Rosey


    Rosey was found by a kind Guatemalan in a street behind the Antigua market. Some children had her and were trying to sell her for about $2.00. The woman questioned them, and found that Rosey was clearly not their dog. She took the four month old puppy and went door to door asking if anyone…