
A group of our student volunteers found a stray puppy in very bad shape at their school. They worked together to help her. Addie wandered into the parking area of their school. The kids wanted to help her, but the guards removed the pup and left it on the side of the busy road that passes in front of the school. Little Addie slipped around to the playground and hid under a bush. She was very frightened, but the students spotted her and tempted her out with their snacks. They enlisted a sympathetic teacher to call a mom. The mom came and took the pup home, called us, and we hurried over to pick the pup up.

The puppy was filthy, literally covered in fleas, and full of parasites. She was tiny-only 7 pounds, and was between 4 and 5 months old on intake. After a bath, flea treatment, combing, deworming, vaccination, and a good meal she looked (and smelled) much better. 

Student volunteer Juani and her family fostered this puppy for a few days and she is now being fostered by volunteer Tana Bailey. Addie is now spayed and has fully recovered from an injured tendon in her foreleg.  She is between 5 and 6 months old and will be a small dog. 

Addie is extremely social and friendly. She especially loves children, and she loves to play with any dog who will join in. She has no idea she is small, and wrestles and plays HARD with other dogs. She is a sweet, cuddly bundle of love and we absolutely adore her!